Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3======l>Blog entry

Well the entry is simple! We took a test this week about the internet search engine, even the boolean operator (AND, OR, NOT) these operator shows a easier way to find the MOST accurate information in the search engines, also reducing the hits-

We e-mailed Mr. Sean about the thing we wanted to do: And I picked the CHANGING of HARDWARE which is pretty cool! My dad is a computer engineer-I tried to do-but he said that just not yet... BUT NOW! I get to do my favorite thing I wanted to do!!! The reason why I want to do the hardwares are because I never tried touching in there-and I never even seen the inside part much--and my dad is only saying "Just not yet" repeating everytime-I don't want to do it LATER it is NOW! This year!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog entry--

Continuing & completing unit on

' searching for and evaluating information on the www; OR Google is NOT a Source!"

Learning about: ways to find the best and most accurate info on the www.

Boolean operators and related techniques....

Ways to know the information is reliable:

FOUR step process:

1. Look for check-Domain name & code

2. Look for authors or authorship.

3. Look for the date when the info. was published on the site; blogger, wordpress etc..