Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Log of February 1/2

The chart of my typing speed of my February 1/2. Well I did this at the middle of February. I'm increasing a lot.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Podcast and Vodcast

We learned that making a podcast was hard and also easy. Of course, I putted so much challenge on that, and I had to make a subject to talk about. ALSO, I had to pick a person in school to do the subject with! We also, needed to have a specific microphone! Mr. Sean gave us the speakers to hear it much louder. I seriously, thought it was so easy, but after since I tried I was getting nervous and embarrassed! My podcast had a serious~ low volume I do it normal and with the microphone closer to our mouth. It's like approximately 30cm away from my mouth and the opponent's mouth. Well I feel like making a vodcast myself than making podcast with somebody else. I really enjoy making vodcast by myself, than PODCAST. Even though I had made it well, I'll be never posting on my site or other site.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My other e-mails


Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Library lover's month (Februrary)'s typing speed results

My speed is growing much more! I get some errors, but what?! I still atleast get over 50 WPM!

This is my graph of the typing results...