Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hardware unit-

We learned what is consisted inside the Computer, and some for the monitor. We had a serious bad problem when we were fixing the computer and then it made me anger- I was screwing the screw - BUT they were still having the problem of the computer - We spent a lot of hours just for that thing - the monitor powers on but the keyboard wasn't working - then Matthew touched the keyboard and it was loosed SO he pulled it out and the plug was cut- I was like "Huh? What is wrong with this? When did this happen?" And became more angered but it was still fun- we replaced the broken keyboard with the working keyboard and it was working- FINALLY, FINALLY! I loved it =P

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3======l>Blog entry

Well the entry is simple! We took a test this week about the internet search engine, even the boolean operator (AND, OR, NOT) these operator shows a easier way to find the MOST accurate information in the search engines, also reducing the hits-

We e-mailed Mr. Sean about the thing we wanted to do: And I picked the CHANGING of HARDWARE which is pretty cool! My dad is a computer engineer-I tried to do-but he said that just not yet... BUT NOW! I get to do my favorite thing I wanted to do!!! The reason why I want to do the hardwares are because I never tried touching in there-and I never even seen the inside part much--and my dad is only saying "Just not yet" repeating everytime-I don't want to do it LATER it is NOW! This year!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog entry--

Continuing & completing unit on

' searching for and evaluating information on the www; OR Google is NOT a Source!"

Learning about: ways to find the best and most accurate info on the www.

Boolean operators and related techniques....

Ways to know the information is reliable:

FOUR step process:

1. Look for check-Domain name & code

2. Look for authors or authorship.

3. Look for the date when the info. was published on the site; blogger, wordpress etc..

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

#3Blog entry#3

My blog entry, cool! Well, we did a lot of stuff. Such as talking about the best source. For instant, how do we pick that(anything) site as the best source as we need it. Well, pretty simple. The Google shows everything. Google has the top 10 best site. Then you try looking at the top1 and top2 and top3. Those should have the best information. So, then you mix it up and do your stuff. It's very simple than as you think before.;

Sunday, March 22, 2009

-My time of spring vocation-

The first day of my spring vocation, we went shopping some clothes, and some items at Yongsan, American community base.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weekly log

Yo! I am being happy today, cause it's half-day of school! Anyhow I see my weekly log is reducing more and more. So I'm trying to.. TRYING to do my weekly log every week exactly even at home. Anyways, this week we had a test about RSS(really simple syndication). It really disturbed me. It's been a long time we haven't learned about the RSS. And he want us to review it?! How unfair- like a pop-quiz coming up- unannounced. Well still the RSS test shows some simple questions except some of course.
It was still enjoying, while taking test. Don't worry about my story----
Anyways, the other one we did this week was..., I think podcast posting on the blog? I'm sure you've seen it on the bottom of the post and it's---cool--- because its was my first podcast and it was long as -8min*- so I was so happy. However, I putted too much challenge on it, and I became tired. Making questions for the podcast/of interview was much "CHALLENGING", and harder. Especially questions about Spain? What am I thinking about? I'll rather interview a Korean more than a Spain! But still the interview of Spain was the best of mine: Long, nice, not a lot of background sound, it was awesome! This is the it for this weekly log. Good bye--**Echoes**

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Interview with Ms. Lopez

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Weekly post

Yo Yo~ I, SOMEONE had come to save the day! Never mind it just a joke. Anyways, I am trying to post my interview with Ms. Lopez. I really enjoyed making the podcast. I had the highest duration podcast in my class! But unfortunately I couldn't the error disturbs me! Anyways, this week we had worked so hard making the podcast of interview- really disturbing-! I edit the post with the video later.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Log of February 1/2

The chart of my typing speed of my February 1/2. Well I did this at the middle of February. I'm increasing a lot.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Podcast and Vodcast

We learned that making a podcast was hard and also easy. Of course, I putted so much challenge on that, and I had to make a subject to talk about. ALSO, I had to pick a person in school to do the subject with! We also, needed to have a specific microphone! Mr. Sean gave us the speakers to hear it much louder. I seriously, thought it was so easy, but after since I tried I was getting nervous and embarrassed! My podcast had a serious~ low volume I do it normal and with the microphone closer to our mouth. It's like approximately 30cm away from my mouth and the opponent's mouth. Well I feel like making a vodcast myself than making podcast with somebody else. I really enjoy making vodcast by myself, than PODCAST. Even though I had made it well, I'll be never posting on my site or other site.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My other e-mails

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Library lover's month (Februrary)'s typing speed results

My speed is growing much more! I get some errors, but what?! I still atleast get over 50 WPM!

This is my graph of the typing results...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Say "HURRAY!" for year: 2009~! Saehe-bog-mani-bade-seyo!!!

My resolution for this year 2009 is:

Get less grumpy-
Get a few cm taller-
Try to make good friends-
And the most important thing is... Having much fun this year than last year!!!

Try telling me what is your resolution this year? No? Why not? More you tell public, than it's much better!!!